Love Them to the Kingdom – God Doing the Impossible!

Love them to the kingdom!

Bathe it in prayer!

Pour grace over it!

Faith comes before the miracle!

These are a few of the beautiful phrases often spoken by one of our incredible leaders, my sweet twinnie, Heidi Williams (Co-Founder and Director of Operations). The other morning, she asked me if I could help care for her newest grandson so that she could go to the hospital to sit with a young woman while she gave birth to her third child.  One of the ladies from her church cared for her two older children while this sweet, precious one brought new life into this world. 

This sweet Mama has been through more than many could think or fathom – and had to give birth ALL ALONE!  Can you imagine?  Sitting there in the birthing room with all the noises of a hospital, all the nurses and doctors coming in and out, smells of medicine, a sterile room; and NO ONE by your side! No husband, no family, no support?   

Without hesitation, Heidi offered to go be with her during this joyous, yet sad and difficult time, so that she would not have to be alone. This sweet Mama had found herself in a circumstance she never imagined – being betrayed by a man she loves, suddenly becoming a single mom, left with nothing, and having to bring this precious little miracle into the world all by herself.  

But God! He shows up in mighty ways, He sends Heidi – a pure and gentle friend and dear sister in Christ. She fills that void and provides this tender, hurting soul with the love of Jesus.  She sat with this precious Mama all day, held her hand, prayed with her and showed her a kindness that the world greatly needs today. Heidi is one of the most beautiful and generous people I know – she loves without limits, gives when she has nothing left to give and never hesitates to follow the nudges of the Holy Spirit.  

You may not realize this, but the SONshine Home was born out of both Heidi and I having the joy of caring for many homeless youth over the years. Realizing the magnitude of this problem right here in our community, we KNEW WE HAD TO DO SOMETHING!

Heidi has always had a heart for those in need – she gives great care for the orphan and the widow, much like the Lord does. Throughout this journey to open our first SONshine Home, Heidi has given of her time, talents and resources – and has NOT ONCE waivered in her faith.  As we continue our series on “God doing the impossible” – may we all love others to the kingdom, bathe it in prayer, and pour all kinds of grace over it (whatever your “it” is)!  May we have faith before the miracles! And, may we all be like Heidi – a beautiful reflection of Jesus!

Proverbs 27:9b: “A sweet friendship refreshes the soul.”

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