Identity 3

Hello, SONshine!

A while back, we looked at the subject of identity and the fact that all human beings have a powerful identity because they are created in God’s image and have His seeds of potential within them. Well, did you know that our identity in Christ is FAR more powerful than even this?

What is our identity in Christ? We need to look no further than the Bible to tell us.

The following is probably not exhaustive, so search the Word to see if you can add to it:

– we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us

– we are loved unconditionally

– we have a treasure in these earthen vessels

– we are the temple of God

– greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world

– the same power that raised Christ from the dead dwells in our mortal bodies

– we are accepted in the beloved

– we are adopted into God’s family

– we are heirs with Christ

– we are ambassadors of Christ

– we have an eternal inheritance

– we are chosen

– healing and restoration is our covenant right

– peace is our portion

– forgiveness is our gift

– favour and mercy are God’s blessings to us

– we are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus

– we are alive together with Christ

– we are justified by grace

– we are holy and blameless in His sight

– no weapon formed against us shall prosper

– no tongue that rises in judgement against us can stand

– we are overcomers by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony

– we have the mind and wisdom of Christ

– we are sealed with the Holy Spirit

– the Spirit of truth lives in us and is with us

– we are His workmanship, and we have been created for the good works that God has prepared for us

Amen and AMEN! Our identity in Christ is so, so powerful! As believers, we have the living God on the inside of us – that’s what makes our identity powerful.

Reflect on that today, and also be encouraged to rise up in your new identity. The old has gone, and the new has come!

Love you! Alison.

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