God is Doing the Impossible: Matthew 19:26

Wow! The flood of emotions when I got that call – I almost fell to my knees, I could hardly speak, and tears fell from my eyes. We had received the largest grant we had ever applied for, and this grant would almost finish funding our 1.1 million dollar SONshine Home purchase and total renovation of the home. 

For those of you who have followed this journey from the moment Heidi and I got on our knees and prayed the words, “God, if this is your will, MAKE A WAY (March 2020)” – you know it has been, by far, the most work we have ever done in our entire lives. There have been hills and valleys – days of wondering if we could ever do this work and moments of intense spiritual attack.   And if I’m being honest, we have had times of total exhaustion!  

Were we equipped? Could our families make it financially? How would this home be funded? There were days when the only words we could utter were, “We trust you, God.”   

BUT GOD – He has walked this journey with us! From a glimmer in our hearts several years ago to taking the leap of faith of leaving our very good jobs a couple of years ago to purchasing our first SONshine Home.  

Within a month of the home purchase, we had to replace the boiler, followed by two radiator leaks shortly after. The reality of purchasing a home over 100 years old had set in. As walls came down to repair the damage, we realized that the home needed major renovations – a secure foundation requiring being dug down 6 inches with extensive concrete/foundation work in the basement; being taken down to the studs, to all new electrical, plumbing, siding, roof, windows, porch, landscape…! ALL NEW everything! Three contractors told us to “walk away.”  

Despite feeling discouraged at times, we witnessed miracle after miracle in so many moments (I could write a book – and probably will one day). I am going to share just one of those miracles:

At our last annual Night of Radiance fundraiser (9/2022), we shared with the group that we had been awarded a $100,000 matching grant. Heidi and I prayed (without the other knowing) that we would reach the match by the end of the year. On Friday, 12/30/22, we checked our account, and it had $73,000 toward the matching grant. With praise, we spoke to the Lord about how grateful we were and were “okay” with landing there for the end of the year.  

BUT GOD – on Tuesday, 1/3/23, our treasurer went to the post office like she usually does, and lo and behold, we had a check from an anonymous donor for $30,000 – DATED 12/31/22! This donation pushed us just over that match, and the Lord DID answer our private prayers that we would reach the match by the end of the year.  

Friends – God can and will move mountains. Maybe He is whispering in your ear, calling you to take a leap of faith, or getting ready to answer your prayers in the most mighty way. Whatever is going on in your lives right now, God is there! Simply utter the words, “I trust you, God.”  

While we still have much work to do to open and maintain the home’s day-to-day operations, God is definitely “making a way” with Love and SONshine Ministries! Very soon, we will be caring for sweet mamas and their babies in the home!  

We could not be more grateful for all of YOU, the silent prayers, the financial gifts, the volunteer work, and most importantly, for joining us in being the hands and feet of Jesus.  

Psalm 68:4-5 “Sing to God, sing in prayer of his name, extol him who rides on the clouds; rejoice before him – his name is the Lord. A father to the fatherless, a defender of the widows, is God in his holy dwelling place.”

In this psalm, David praised God for protection and provision – the same response we, as Christians, should have. We have seen His true majesty, and our only response is ALL praise, honor, and glory to God! Blessings, Heather

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