Dirty diapers…. Things I am grateful for

The other day, when leaving the SONshine Home, I picked up two sacks with dirty diapers off of the back porch.  See, the dumpster is in the alley, so the girls wrap the diapers and place them on the back porch until someone goes out to the dumpster – especially when it is bitter cold.  Just a few minutes earlier, I had helped clean a red stain off of the living room carpet, there were toys all over the place (I even stepped on something as sharp as a lego – if you know, you know), and shoes were piled on the rug by the back door. As I picked up those diapers, I smiled, looked up and said, “Thank you, Jesus”.  THANK YOU, JESUS!

As I reflect on parenting my own children, I sort of laugh at how frustrated I used to get when my house was dirty, or one of my kids used permanent markers on the walls – and times where I never thought I’d be done changing diapers.  And, yet, today – these are the things I am grateful for.  Because, without them – we would not have the honor and privilege of partnering with the Lord in doing HIS work to care for young families in need.  

Inside the walls of the big, yellow home is a home that is lived in, a home where we hear the pitter patter of little feet, the noise of giggling children and the beauty of Mama’s sitting around the dining room table talking, sharing a meal, reading their Bibles and asking questions about the hope we have in Jesus.

It was not all that long ago that the Lord placed young mothers/families in our hearts to care for, where we prayed for Him to “make a way”.  And, here we are today with hearts and a home filled with love, a home of peace and a home where our Mamas and babies can see and feel the love of the Lord.

I cannot think of a better image than this front row seat where we get to witness God’s miracles each and every day.

As I opened my Bible to seek God’s voice this morning, I read from Philippians 1:6 “being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to competition until the day of Christ Jesus”.  It is easy to become discouraged and think we aren’t making enough progress, or we feel inadequate, unfinished or distressed by our own shortcomings.  And, yet I am reminded not to let my own imperfect condition rob me/us of the PURE JOY in knowing that God is faithful in His promises, His provision, and His plans for each and every person.  Whatever it is the Lord places on our hearts, He will carry it on to completion.  He truly has MADE A WAY!  And, we are so very grateful for it all – the messy, the beautiful and everything in between – including DIRTY DIAPERS!

Love you, Heather

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